This a test blog for the Metropolitan South Institute of TAFE senior studies students..... Everyone needs their muse, and frankly, nothing inspires me more than thinking about chickens.


All Chook Up

Hoy, A, 2005, 'All Chook Up', Bulletin with Newsweek, 6 December, vol.123, issue no. 6499, pp. 28-29, viewed on 16 January 2006, Australia New Zealand Reference Centre, Accession no. 19249786
"... out-and-out neighbourhood warfare is being waged. "It is almost unbelievable the personal grief and
annoyance that one little rooster can cause," Maroochy councillor Jenny McKay, of Queensland's Sunshine Coast, told The Bulletin.
To cut a long story short: man has rooster; rooster drives neighbourhood nuts; rooster is hidden from the authorities in local safe houses by sympathetic neighbours; other neighbours retaliate by getting two roosters."

This article in the Bulletin is not only a great example of the whimsy and humour a good chicken story can inspire in serious news magazines, but also scratches at the importance the chicken plays in our ideals of utopian pastoral lifestyle that lurks in the psyche of even the slickest of city dwellers
